Channel: Questions in topic: "framerate drops"
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Gfx.WaitForPresent performance issue

I am making a mobile game and it runs really well (60 fps) on my phone. However, in some cases the performance goes down drastically to the point where it runs at 20 fps or even less. It happens at random times so I can't pinpoint what is causing this. During the performance decrease Gfx.WaitForPresent appears in my profiler which eats a lot of power. I am aware that this might be because of Vsync being turned on, but I have it disabled, along with shadows, AA and everything else that absolutely kills mobile performance. What else can be the problem? My game relies heavily on good performance for gameplay so this needs to be resolved ASAP. Edit: I also noticed that the CPU stays at 0 ms which is really odd as well. ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/72623-capture.png

When i use Maximise on play my framerate drops 100-200 frames per second, is this normal?

When i use a little screen (not miaximise on play) when I test my game, it goes off with a 140-400 frames a second (400 lasts as oten a couple of seconds but I sometimes have 350 up to ten fifteen seconds) but as soon as i go into maxmise it holds very stable on 100-170 frames a second, is this normal?

Problem with Android Framerate Dropping

HI I am developing a game called Luminous for Android. From the second I released the game to the play store the game has been suffering some major framerate issues. I can't seem to find he source of the lag. I have tried disabling most of my code to see if it was some code optimization problem, I disabled audio, I got rid of the dynamic backgrounds and I have also tried to compress and preload all of my assets. Nothing! The weird thing is, the game will run fine at about 20-30 frames a second until the app runs for longer than 2 minutes. Then all of the sudden, 5-10 frames a second. The device will even lag a little after the app closes. I have done some control tests to see if this was just a hardware issue but this happens on ALL devices it seems. Please help, this issue is causing so many to uninstall my game. I am willing to offer samples of my assets and settings if you want to try to help, thanks in advance.

VR.WaitForGPU lag UNLESS camera is selected in editor

I'm getting giant, regular spikes of "VR.WaitForGPU" - but ONLY when the active camera isn't selected in the hierarchy. If I simply select the camera, my FPS goes from 60-100 up to 200. I'm running 5.4f1 with a Vive.

Studdering on android just moving a transform?

I am having big problems with "studdering" on my android device, my game seems to drop to a lower frame rate every few seconds which is horrible for my fast paced 2d platform game. Everything seems to be fine in the profiler so I tried to make the most simple game ever and run it on my device - A samsung galaxy 3s mini. The game has only 1 scene with only a camera and a single GameObject to which I have attached a sprite renderer with a simple red square sprite. I have attached this C-sharp script to the gameobject making it move across the screen. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class Character : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; Application.targetFrameRate = 60; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.Translate (Vector2.right * 10 * Time.deltaTime); } void OnBecameInvisible() { transform.position = new Vector2 (0, 0); } } Even this very very simple project causes "studdering" or hiccups on my android phone. This is extremely frustrating for me and I do not understand why. I can play other simple games like "Flappy Bird" without any problems what so ever. I am starting to think that Unity just can't build a smooth running APK file but surely that can't be the case as Unity should be one of the top softwares for creating games. Are there some key settings that I have to change in order for my project to run smoothly? Please share your knowledge and help out a very frustrated developer finish his first game made in Unity.

Variable FPS in editor, Perfect in build

This is an issue that just cropped up today. Haven't updated at all between now and the last time I booted up Unity (yesterday). When testing the game in the editor, in a simple 2d scene with 4 sprites it runs as low as 30 fps. Then, randomly, it will shoot up to 70 fps. Eventually, it'll go back to 30, and the cycle continues. This occurs even if nothing is occurring in the game. I've heard there's a bug pertaining to this kind of thing, but it seems odd for it to just now start happening.

Animation Event Keys Not Triggering Due to Low Framerate?

Our project is using Unity 5.3.4p4. We are using AnimationEvent and event keys(in the inspector) in our FBX animations to control parenting switches in our game(imagine a pencil being parented to a hand, and then to the world or similar; this switch is handled with event keys in our game). We are finding that the event keys often get skipped when the game's processes lag/framerate drops, causing our switch not to trigger. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? Is there another way to link a parent switch to an animation (we have over 50 animations that need this sort of switching to occur, so hand coding each one is not really a good solution for us). I have looked at other similar questions, but haven't been able to find an answer. Thank you in advance.

Whenever i load scene 2 after completing scene 1 there is a tremendous drop in fps it is showing only 0.1 fps

i'm currently building a low poly open world game for android , in my game there are 4 different worlds Each world is working fine if i'm playing it individually in unity editor .After building all the scenes along with main menu and world selection scenes the problem begins.The problem is if i'm playing the game after completing world selection and main menu scenes for the first time it is working perfect ,but when i switch between scenes I.e moving from lvl 1 to lvl 2 , Frame rate is dropping more like it came down to .1fps BUT LVL 1 worked fine Even after going to lvl 1 it starts lags. If i exit the game and start it again there is no frame drops after completing level 1 and going to lvl 2 the frames started dropping , but all the scenes are working perfectly if i play it individually .Can anyone help me in soving this issues. Thank you I have a doubt wheter all the objects in the scene are destroyed or not, and i did'nt use don't destroy command on any one of the game object. Since the worlds are little big i need to provide any loading time???or a memory LEAK???

Gear VR Frame Rate Optimization?

I am aiming for 60fps as is recommended by Oculus for GearVR games. I'm still seeing some frame rate drops (to around 25-30fps), which is suboptimal and may not be accepted by the Oculus Store, especially since for a portion of my game I have a first person weapon that has slight judders during fps drops. Not sure how to further optimize, since I am sitting well below 50k tris and verts, less than 50 SetPass calls, turned off dynamic lighting and shadows, and made all shaders Mobile/Diffuse or Mobile/Unlit (single pass shaders). The only things I can think of are: - Batches around 50 (Is this too much? How can I reduce it if I am using Skinned Mesh animated characters?) - Particle effects (How heavily does this consume GPU?) ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/84730-watcher-statistics.png

Collider.OnTriggerStay is dropping my frame rate from 2000fps to 0.5fps

I'm trying to increment an integer when it is near another gameObject. I am still a beginner, so raycasting didn't seem like a good idea because I don't want to use a straight line, and capsule casts are out of my depth. I thought I could use a trigger instead with OnTriggerStay. In this instance there are only two gameobjects, a Billboard and Player. This script is attached to the Billboard gameobject. I just wanted to test and see if it is working but something is obviously seriously wrong, so I want to post here to figure out what is going wrong and how to fix it. void OnCollisionStay(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) {for (int i = 1; i

Replacement for Raycast / FPS drops problem

Well, I have an extremely simple game, with blocks and a character that hits them and destroys the block. I use Raycast to find the blocks, like this (raycastOrigin is a transform right in front of the character): if (Physics.Raycast(raycastOrigin.position, raycastOrigin.forward, out hit, range, blocksLayer)) {...} While I'm hitting blocks the fps drops a lot, and on the profiler window Active Rigidbodies and Number of Contacts were really high, so I supposed the problems were with Raycasts, since I just learned they are really expensive. I tried to do some things (read below) and it got just a little better, but fps is still dropping too much, as you can see here: [http://imgur.com/7Ew3vGy][1]. What I did: I put all the blocks that can be hit in a single layer and I start coroutines to make the raycasts and deal with collisions. I tried other things like changing Update to FixedUpdate, but no changes. I don't know what to do now, I started to learn about Unity recently and don't have the necessary knowledge to handle this properly. Is there a way to fix my problem or to use a replacement for Raycast that doesn't make fps drop? My actual code where I am Raycasting: void Update () { time = time + Time.deltaTime; if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && time > nextFire) { nextFire = time + fireDelta; StartCoroutine(FindBlockRaycasting()); nextFire = nextFire - time; time = 0.0F; } } private IEnumerator FindBlockRaycasting() { if (Physics.Raycast(raycastOrigin.position, raycastOrigin.forward, out hit, range, blocksLayer)) { target = hit.collider.gameObject; warn = target.tag; if (target.tag == "Destroyable") { animator.Play("HitWithArm", -1, 0F); target.GetComponent().GetHit(); } } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0); } [1]: +http://imgur.com/7Ew3vGy

Frame drop/lag spike ontrigger

So when I am play testing in the editor everything works fine, but when I build and launch my game I get a huge lag spike on the first trigger I enter. (It only happens on the first one). After that it works fine. The problem is that the lag spike on the first trigger is randomly break another trigger could be any... Any idea this is happening. I don't know why I even bother asking this forum never answers.

Script Is causing huge framerate drops

This is my script that opens and closes doors when i get close to the door the framerates drop to about 10 fps and i usually get about 90 fps when i not near. Is there something wrong with the script? i need help, thanks. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class Door : MonoBehaviour { private Animator Anim; [Header("Text")] public GameObject TextObject; public Text TextOnScreen; public MeshRenderer Key; public bool Locked; private bool UnLocked; [HideInInspector] public bool Opened; [HideInInspector] public bool InProximity; [Header("Audio")] public AudioClip DoorUnlock; private AudioSource AudSource; [HideInInspector] public bool Disabled; void Start() { AudSource = GetComponent (); Anim = GetComponent (); TextOnScreen.text = "OPEN"; if (Locked == false) { UnLocked = true; } } void OnMouseOver () { if (Anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Opening")) { TextOnScreen.text = "CLOSE"; } if (Anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Closing")) { TextOnScreen.text = "OPEN"; } if (Anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Idle")) { TextOnScreen.text = "OPEN"; } TextObject.SetActive(true); if (Locked == true) { if (UnLocked == false) { if (Key.enabled == true) { TextOnScreen.text = "UNLOCK"; if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { UnLocked = true; AudSource.clip = DoorUnlock; AudSource.Play (); } } else { TextOnScreen.text = "LOCKED"; } } } if (Opened == true) { TextOnScreen.text = "CLOSE"; } if (UnLocked == true) { if (Opened == true) { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { CloseDoor (); } } if (Disabled == false) { if (TextOnScreen.text == "OPEN") { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { OpenDoor (); } } } } } void OnMouseExit () { TextObject.SetActive (false); } public void CloseDoor() { Anim.SetTrigger ("Close"); Opened = false; } public void OpenDoor() { TextOnScreen.text = "CLOSE"; Anim.SetTrigger ("Open"); Opened = true; UnLocked = true; }

Script Is causing huge framerate drops

this is my script that opens and closes doors when i get close to the door the framerates drop to about 10 fps and i usually get about 90 fps when i not near. is there something wrong with the script? i need help, thanks. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class Door : MonoBehaviour { private Animator Anim; [Header("Text")] public GameObject TextObject; public Text TextOnScreen; public MeshRenderer Key; public bool Locked; private bool UnLocked; [HideInInspector] public bool Opened; [HideInInspector] public bool InProximity; [Header("Audio")] public AudioClip DoorUnlock; private AudioSource AudSource; [HideInInspector] public bool Disabled; void Start() { AudSource = GetComponent (); Anim = GetComponent (); TextOnScreen.text = "OPEN"; if (Locked == false) { UnLocked = true; } } void OnMouseOver () { if (Anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Opening")) { TextOnScreen.text = "CLOSE"; } if (Anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Closing")) { TextOnScreen.text = "OPEN"; } if (Anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Idle")) { TextOnScreen.text = "OPEN"; } TextObject.SetActive(true); if (Locked == true) { if (UnLocked == false) { if (Key.enabled == true) { TextOnScreen.text = "UNLOCK"; if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { UnLocked = true; AudSource.clip = DoorUnlock; AudSource.Play (); } } else { TextOnScreen.text = "LOCKED"; } } } if (Opened == true) { TextOnScreen.text = "CLOSE"; } if (UnLocked == true) { if (Opened == true) { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { CloseDoor (); } } if (Disabled == false) { if (TextOnScreen.text == "OPEN") { if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) { OpenDoor (); } } } } } void OnMouseExit () { TextObject.SetActive (false); } public void CloseDoor() { Anim.SetTrigger ("Close"); Opened = false; } public void OpenDoor() { TextOnScreen.text = "CLOSE"; Anim.SetTrigger ("Open"); Opened = true; UnLocked = true; }

Frame per Second OPTIMIZATION

Hi all, I'm working on a Virtual Tour of my School and once I filled up the rooms with desks and chairs and start going around the building i have an insane drop of frame from around 80/90 fps to under 10fps. In the Stats tab I can see that when i look forward to certain areas the voice "vertices" goes over 20/22 million. Any ideas or trick on how to optimize the project to have at least always over 30fsp ? The desks and chairs are made with Blender, and I've apllied on them the Decimator function which reduces the numbers of verts.

Graphics.PresentAndSync causing large fps drops on mobile Android game

I understand that this question has been asked many times already, but none of the answers have caused any changes to my game. The problem is on a mobile simple 2D game I have created there will be random fps drops. They truly are random, there is no pattern to them. Sometimes the game will run perfectly smooth, other times it will be very choppy, and when there are fps drops there is nothing specific happening in the game that would cause it to happen then and not sometime else. The game uses a large 2D tile map but I have it split up into separate meshes so even when the size is increased or decreased on it the frame rate is not improved so it should not be that. I am also using multiple canvases for my menu system, I am not sure why they would cause a problem but might that be the issue? I have disabled every individual aspect of them game trying to isolate the bug but the frame rate never changes. The only hint to the problem I have is when I connect the device to the profiler it says that Graphics.PresentAndSync is causing the problem. I have tried a lot of different things trying to fix it but nothing has had any impact. I'm pretty lost on what to do, I've spent hours trying to figure out why the game jerks every now and then like this and it is becoming very frustrating, if anyone could provide any help or insight that would be fantastic. By the way another problem that's shown up is there is a white screen before the splash screen when the game opens, and the splash screen takes a while to load before the game come up, any idea why?

Frame Rate Issue

Hello everybody, something weird is happening when I run my game (or even after building it), the game keeps giving little frame drops like this ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/94564-fps-drop-image.png it's like it's 60-60-60-11-60-60-60-1-60-60-60-11and soon I don't know why or this happened since it has started to happen just right now today if you have any answer please post it here I'm very experienced and smart don't worry thanks in advance.

Animator causes HUGE physics.processing cause framerate drop from 120fps to 4fps

hello guys , i'm using unity 5.6.0f3 , i don't know whats wrong , i'm making a 3rd person Android game , game runs normaly when there is only my rigibody player character (skined mesh) on the viewport , but when i add another character (or copy my player ) to the scene or make it active , the phisics processsing becomes CRAZY and drops my game into 4 fps , it runs on 4fps on my i5 laptop in unity editor , and its kind of freezed on android device PS: - my 2 skined mesh characters have 6k verts each - i have 40 batches , 25 set pass calls , scene tries: 45.0k ,scene verts: 67k, shadow casters: 0, visible skinedmesh : 2the picture bellow shows physics processing when 2 skined mesh on the scene and visible to camera http://imgur.com/a/0Ny86EDIT: i figured out something , both characters have same Animator , its the one responsible for that huge physics processing , look here when animator disabled vs enabled http://imgur.com/a/bTvOT

multiple camera drop fps !!

i just add another camera for ui. and all ui has "UI" layers. 1. main camera **clear flag** : skybox, **culling mask** : all except UI, **depth** : -1 2. ui camera **clear flag** : depth only, **culling mask** : UI, **depth** : 10 fps 60 is without ui camera on iOS mobile device. and fps 50 is with ui camera. what am i doing wrong? i can't understand this situation any help?

Sudden Framerate drops at random times??

My game sometimes suddenly drops from a solid 200+ fps to a 20- fps... I checked in the profiler and it says it has something to do with "Unaccounted time between: Start of Frame and UGUI.Rendering.EmitWorldScreenSpaceCameraGeometry" What does this mean? Here is a screenshot: ![Image][1] [1]: /storage/temp/99969-screen-shot-2017-08-15-at-122416-pm.png
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